Solar Panels for Cohasset Middle-High School Roof Cohasset Middle-High School is revisiting the opportunity to make their roofs solar powered. The project has been on hold for quite some time now, but the recent tax on imported solar panels has helped. The town began exploring solar... View More
Washoe County Elementary is Turning Sunshine into Computers Last year, Washoe County Elementary spent approximately $12,000+ on 24 HP laptop computers. Now, they have installed solar panels and saving on energy. Therefore, Washoe County Elementary has saved approximately $16,000 over the course of two years... View More
Another School Goes Solar in Oregon – Ruch Outdoor Community School Yet another school is making the switch to solar power! The Ruch Outdoor Community School in Jackson County, Oregon decided to make the switch. The Medford School District aims to have around 33 solar... View More
School Zone Signs There are several different types of school zone signs that districts and communities can benefit from. Below is an image of some of the different types of signs that we offer. Those include: School Speed Limit Sign with Radar Bike Pedestrian... View More
What are the Costs and Benefits for K-12 and Universities to go Solar? Well, for bigger entities, such as schools, save the most with going solar due to their larger solar systems. The larger the solar system, the bigger the ROI. There are several different costs... View More
Greenskies Helps Power Connecticut Schools with Solar Power First of all, Greenskies is a Clean Focus company that is going to add solar power Connecticut schools. So, these eleven schools are located in a town called New Haven. The schools are as follows: Ross Woodward... View More
Illinois Schools Adding Solar to Buildings & Curriculum Illinois schools such as Skinner North Classical Elementary, are partially solar. Skinner North Classical Elementary only has a one-kilowatt solar array on top of an awning. The one array is only able to provide enough electricity for... View More
Phillips Exeter Academy has Largest Solar Array To begin, Phillips Exeter Academy is located in New Hampshire, and they now have the largest solar array. The array is on top of the schools new field house that is 84,574 square feet. The field house features 1,552... View More
Students are Taking on the 2018 Solar Car Challenge Students at Pana High School are setting out to build a solar-powered car to enter the 2018 Solar Car Challenge. The car is going to be made from scratch and is going to race from Texas... View More
There are Many Benefits of Solar Power for Schools There are many different benefits of solar power for schools starting with utility costs. Utility costs will be a benefit for both schools and individuals. But when it comes to schools, they have a unique advantage... View More
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